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News Updated: 22 March 2022 08:28 EAT 427 Views | ~ 1 minute

Election Preparedness

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i now says the country is ready to conduct a fair and credible election come August 9th.

CS Matiang'i stated that the government has rolled out guidelines for the August elections as well as activated a national security multi-agency command center on elections.

“The National Multi-Agency Command Centre on election security has been activated and the reorganization and realignment of security teams undertaken,” Matiang'i said.

Meanwhile, security teams are engaged in mapping and formulating counter-strategies on election-related security challenges such as hate crime, cyber and computer misuse, terrorism, and rustling.

'More security officers have been recruited and more equipment procured and deployed to beef up security while election-specific training is going on,” said Dr. Matiang’i.

CS Matiang'i spoke on Monday during a briefing between the National Development Implementation Coordination and Communication Committee and development partners from various foreign countries where he is also the chairperson.

NDICCC held its first meeting on April 14th after which Dr. Matiang’i assured international partners of a smooth and peaceful transition of power after the August 9 elections.

Dr. Matiang'i further recognized the intensified activities by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission across the country to promote peaceful electioneering and to foster intercommunity coexistences.

Dr. Matiangi said 51 cases are currently under investigation and that there have been enhanced monitoring and crackdown on hate-related campaigns.

“The NCIC has enhanced monitoring and crack down on hate crime related to campaigns and 51 cases are currently under investigation,” the CS said.

Yesterday's meeting mainly focused on the economy, drought and food situation, refugees marshal plan, and security during elections.

The CS noted that development partners were so far satisfied with the government’s plans on the issues discussed.
