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Matters Disability

302 posts

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Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month: Types of Cerebral Palsy

The term cerebral refers to the human brain. Palsy is a condition that causes difficulty moving; therefore, cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a neurological conditi...

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International Women's Day- Helping Women And Girls With Disabilities

Imagine a world where your potential is constantly overshadowed by assumptions of what you can't do. This is the reality for most women and girls with disabilit...

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CBC Assessments for Learners with Disabilities

The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) examines learners with disabilities differently than other learners.The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) states...

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NCPWD Celebrates International Women's Day 2025 at Tom Mboya University

The National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) on Saturday joined the world in marking International Women’s Day.The event held at Tom Mboya Universi...

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UDPK Decries Daily Struggles, Demands Legal Protection For PWDs

The United Disabled Persons of Kenya organization has expressed serious concern about the struggles its members experience on a daily basis, especially while tr...

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KNAD Presses for Swift Passage of Sign Language Bill

The National Association of Deaf People (KNAD) has reiterated its urgent need for the 2024 Sign Language Bill to be passed immediately, emphasizing how importan...

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Nakuru Deaf Community Protests Over Missing Child's Body

Members of the Deaf Community in Nakuru held protests on Monday morning, demanding answers from the Nakuru County government regarding the whereabouts of a chil...

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NYS Nationwide Recruitment Open To Youth With Disabilities

Youth with disabilities are invited to engage in the current nationwide recruiting campaign for the National Youth Service (NYS).The recruitment is accessible t...

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NCPWD Distributes Cryotherapy Equipment to 20 Counties

The National Council for Persons With Disabilities, in partnership with other stakeholders, has launched nationwide distribution of cryotherapy equipment.The in...

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NCPWD Executive Director Harun Hassan Hands Over Reins After Transformative Four Years

The National Council for Persons with Disabilities Executive Director, Mr. Harun Hassan EBS, officially handed over his duties to Ms. Eva Njoroge, who will serv...

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NCPWD's Tunza Program Provides Mentorship for Students with Disabilities

The National Council for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWD) held a thorough career counseling and mentoring session for students with disabilities at the Univers...

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Learners with Disabilities Thrive Through Craft at St. Teresa's Special Needs School

Despite having intellectual disabilities, learners at St. Teresa's, a day special needs school in Webuye town, Bungoma county, have demonstrated remarkable tale...

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Tougher Penalties For Exploiting PWDs

Individuals who exploit children or adults with disabilities by forcing them into begging will face significantly harsher penalties following the passage of a n...

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Parliament Passes The PWDs Bill

The National Assembly has passed the Persons with Disabilities Bill, aimed at empowering and promoting the interests of people  with disabilities. The bill whic...

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assistALL App Connects Deaf Community with Healthcare in Busia

Deaf individuals in Busia County can now access free sign language interpretation services through the assistALL app at eight sub-county hospitals and the main...

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NCPWD Partners With KEMSA To Improve Essential Healthcare For PWDs

The National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) on Tuesday signed a service contract with the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA).According to N...

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East African Parliamentary Games: Kenyan Lawmakers With Disabilities Excel at the Darts Tournament

The Kenyan members of Parliament with disabilities showcased an incredible performance in the darts competition on Wednesday at the East African Parliamentary G...

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Persons With Disabilities Left Behind in Financial Inclusion

A new report released by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), and Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSD Kenya) has revea...

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Disability Organizations Can Now Register Online

The National Council for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWD) has announced the registration of Organizations of/for Persons with Disabilities on the eCitizen plat...

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Canon Central and North Africa Showcases World Unseen in Kenya

In honor of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Canon Central and North Africa, in collaboration with the Kenya Society for the Blind (KSB)...