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News Updated: 28 February 2023 12:12 EAT 186 Views | ~ 46 seconds

Tribunal Recommends Masit Be Removed From Office

tribunal-recommends-masit-be-removed-from-office Image

In a report on Monday, tribunal chairperson Justice Aggrey Muchelule said the tribunal proved beyond a reasonable doubt, allegations of gross misconduct against Masit.

The hearing of petitions ended last Monday, February 20, after the counsels representing both parties made their final submissions.

The suspended commissioner is the only one left in the IEBC after former chairman Chebukati, and former commissioners Guliye and Molu exited following the end of their six-year term.

Former IEBC Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera, and former commissioners Justus Nyangaya and Francis Wanderi who were also expected to appear before the tribunal, resigned before it commenced.

In its report to President William Ruto on Monday, the Muchelule-led tribunal said the allegations of gross misconduct leveled against Commissioner Masit were proved to the required standard.

The tribunal found that Masit, together with Cherera, Nyangaya and Wanderi, violated the constitution during the August 2022 election period.

In the findings, the tribunal noted that the evidence tabled before the member team had satisfactorily proven the two allegations against her but failed to convince the tribunal on the aspect of incompetence.

The tribunal has therefore recommended the removal of Commissioner Irene Masit over gross misconduct.


Tags: Iebc William Ruto Signstv Juliana Cherera Irene Masit Muchelule