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News Updated: 22 September 2022 09:11 EAT 237 Views | ~ 1 minute

ODM Chief Calls For A Crisis Meeting Over House Leadership

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Chief Raila Odinga has called for an urgent Parliamentary Group meeting to end house leadership wrangles.

According to media sources, the meeting had been slated for Friday but it has been pushed to next week due to the ongoing Members of Parliament induction.

Among the issues to be discussed in the meeting are names for proposed chairpersons and vice-chairpersons for House committees.

The house wrangles emanated from Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka's announcement of the leadership line-up.

According to the announcement, ODM was allocated the Majority leader slot which they gave out to the Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi and the Majority Whip designed for Suna East MP Junet Mohammed.

This move has elicited misunderstandings in the house with former Minority Leader in the National Assembly John Mbadi protesting over the slot saying the move by ODM to settle on his junior for the Majority Leader slot was an act of betrayal.

Having served in the position, Mbadi believes the position belongs to him.

“I am not comfortable with this decision, the stature of the ODM chairman position must be respected. I can’t do the position of ODM chairman injustice by accepting that decision,” said Mbadi.

The ODM Party chairman lamented that the move by the Raila Odinga-led party to settle on Wandayi signified that he failed in his tenure as the Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament.

"If am the chairman in ODM and I lead the party outside then I don't understand why when I come to the house, I am being led by someone who is my junior in the party. 

However, a section of Azimio MPs dismissed Mbadi's claims on the majority leadership positions saying that he is a mere nominated leader and can't purport to lead them in the August house.

Meanwhile, the battle of the majority in the parliament between Kenya Kwanza and Azimio One Kenya coalitions has intensified with no side willing to remain in the minority.

Tags: Raila Odinga Odm Kalonzo Musyoka Parliament Leadership 13Th Parliament Opiyo Wandayi