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News Updated: 13 April 2022 10:09 EAT 293 Views | ~ 46 seconds

Gedi Attacks DP Ruto

Wajir Woman Representative Fatuma Gedi, on Tuesday, committed before the parliament to present evidence linking the country's second in command, Dr. William Ruto to alleged land grabbing cases.

Gedi claimed that DP Ruto had acquired land suspiciously across the country including Trans Nzoia, Wajir, Taita Taveta, and Nairobi counties.

“It is in the public domain including court orders where one William Ruto grabbed land. Give me two days and I will bring the details,” Gedi told Speaker Justin Muturi.

Speaker Justin Muturi requested her to provide supporting evidence for her claims on Thursday at 2:30 pm.

“Remember you are the one who has undertaken to provide the evidence. Ordinarily, we don’t allow people to say that they will provide evidence after two days,” said Muturi.

MPs allied to Kenya Kwanza led by Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa rushed to the DP's defense, requesting Gedi to substantiate her claims.

“Fatuma Gedi is supposed to substantiate and provide evidence that that particular candidate has grabbed land. It is only right that Gedi either substantiates or withdraws and apologizes especially for naming DP Ruto,” Ichung’wah said.

Gedi on Thursday 14th at 2:30 pm is expected to provide full details concerning the claims.
