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News Updated: 17 December 2021 07:32 EAT 274 Views | ~ 27 seconds

CS Matiang’i Defends His Support For The Handshake

Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiang’i has strongly defended his decision to back president Kenyatta and the Former Prime Minister's Handshake.

Speaking in Nyakach, Kisumu County, CS Matiang’i insisted that he has no regrets because the decision by the two leaders has created a great impact on the country’s effort in establishing peace.

According to the Interior CS, the ‘Handshake’ brought stability to the country that has made it possible for the government to implement numerous development projects that are beneficial to Kenyans.

Dr. Matiang’i  further urged  all the chiefs, their assistants, and the entire National Government Administration Officers to actively support President Uhuru Kenyatta’s programs and projects including the handshake
