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News Updated: 06 June 2022 06:18 EAT 260 Views | ~ 52 seconds

Azimio-OKA Coalition To Unveil Manifesto Today

Azimio-One Kenya Coalition is set to unveil its Manifesto today, ODM Chief Raila Odinga disclosed on Sunday during his campaign tour in Nakuru.

“We shall on Monday unveil our manifesto in Nairobi", said Odinga.

The former Premier noted that, the 10-point manifesto will help the undecided and those in opposition to back his presidential bid in the coming general election.

"We have no doubt that with this, every Kenyan, especially the undecided and those in the opposing camp, will back us", Raila added.

Earlier, the Coalition Flagbearer said the delay in releasing their manifesto was the fear of copy-cats who could steal their ideas.

"We didn’t want to release it early since we knew our rivals will want to copy us,” Odinga noted.

He further revealed that the document will be inclusive of all Kenyans and issues concerning them.

While addressing Nakuru residents he expressed his hopes of succeeding President Uhuru Kenyatta promising to change Kenyans' lives terming it as part of his priorities in the next government.

The Nakuru tour came immediately after Odinga had been cleared by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to vie for the presidential seat in the 9th August election.

It was also the first joint tour the ODM Chief had with top leaders of the coalition, Martha Karua, and Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Tags: Raila Odinga Azimio One Kenya Nakuru Tour Azimio One Kenya Manifesto