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News Updated: 08 June 2022 08:56 EAT 344 Views | ~ 46 seconds

Kigame Says IEBC Is unfair To Aspirants With Disabilities

Presidential aspirant and Veteran gospel artist Reuben Kigame has accused the Independent Electoral and boundaries commission of being biased and unfair to the aspirants with disabilities.

Mr. Kigame says the commission has not developed mechanisms for the disabled aspirants to avail the necessary requirements for clearance.

The Singer claims that IEBC boss Wafula Chebukati had extended the time for presidential candidates to table their signatures and at least 2,000 copies of voters’ identification cards from a majority of counties but when he provided his requirements on the said date the commission allegedly rejected.

Kigame's lawyer, John Khaminwa said the commission failed to understand the aspirant's constraints as a person with a disability in assembling all the materials and presenting them on time.

Khaminwa explained that IEBC had added presidential candidates some two more days, which was on the date 23rd May, after 6 days when the aspirant appeared before the commission, his papers were not received instead IEBC official asked for his email address which he claims Mr. Chebukati wrote him an email indicating that he had not complied with the nomination.

The Singer now wants the commission compelled to allow him to vie for the August 9th general election.

Tags: Reuben Kigame Iebc Unfair Election 2022