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News Updated: 28 April 2022 08:02 EAT 262 Views | ~ 1 minute

Fuel Marketers Directed To Localize Excess Stock

Oil Marketing Companies have been directed by Energy Cabinet Secretary Dr. Monica Juma to offload all fuel stocks held for the export market locally, in a bid to end the current fuel crisis in the country.

CS Juma assured Kenyans that plans are in place to have fuel available ahead of the long weekend and holiday. 

“We wish to assure the country that as of 27th April, the local petroleum stock at Kenya Pipeline Company indicated a cover of 17 days for super petrol and 12 days for diesel,” Dr. Juma said in a statement.

This is after a meeting between the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining, the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) and OMC CEOs held on Wednesday.

During the meeting, the oil marketing companies agreed to set aside 20 million liters of fuel for non-franchised petroleum dealers who are in the interior parts of the country.

“We have agreed that in order to correct the fuel supply hitches that have affected the country for the past few weeks, 20 million liters be made available to non-franchised petroleum retailers who now account for 68 percent of the country’s retail network,” noted Petroleum Outlets Association of Kenya (POAK) Chairman Martin Chomba.

To meet the high demand for the locals, OMC agreed to set aside imports from two vessels carrying super petrol and another carrying diesel.

The meeting was held after it was noted that OMC were overstocking supplies at the expense of the local market, which had caused a shortage in the past weeks.

The CS said the ministry had established a spiking petroleum demand, particularly in Western Kenya.

Juma stated that the whole parcel of Super Petrol aboard MT Campo Square vessel (133.509 million liters) will be dedicated to the local market. The vessel is expected to berth on April 30.

 She further said that the whole parcel of diesel aboard another vessel MT Elka Athina  (104.748 million liters) expected to berth on May 12  will also be dedicated to the local market.

“A dedicated volume from the discharge of both MT Campo Square and MT Elka Athina to be set aside for the nonfranchised (independent) petroleum retail stations,” Juma said.

With the latest efforts, CS Juma said the government is committed to ensuring that independent dealers access petroleum products at the right prices and on time.

Tags: Epra Monica Juma Omc Poak