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Business Updated: 17 April 2024 09:32 EAT 695 Views | ~ 28 seconds

Expect Up To 13.7% Savings On Your Electricity Bill

expect-up-to-13-7-savings-on-your-electricity-bill Image

Kenyans can now breathe a sigh of relief as electricity prices have dropped due to two important changes.

First, the cost of fuel used to generate electricity has decreased. Second, the exchange rate for foreign currency (forex) has also improved. These reductions translate to savings on your electricity bill.

Depending on how much electricity you use, you can expect to see a reduction of between 9.7% and 13.7% on your April bill compared to March.

This means low-usage customers who consume less than 30 units per month will see their bill drop by around Sh100, going from Sh729 in March to Sh629 in April.

Similar savings apply to average and high-usage customers, with bills dropping by nearly Sh200 and Sh400 respectively.

Tags: Epra Signstv Kenya Power