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News Updated: 02 August 2022 06:37 EAT 228 Views | ~ 58 seconds

Eligible Voters To Confirm Details At The Polling Stations

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission on Tuesday will avail the voter's register in each polling station across the country to allow voters to verify their details.

Speaking during a press briefing on Monday, IEBC Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera said the registers will be posted at the 46,299 polling stations by Tuesday evening.

"Remember seven days to the polls we affix the voter register outside the polling station and so this exercise will begin tomorrow and by end of business tomorrow we will have concluded the exercise," said Cherera.

The IEBC vice chair lauded the government's decision to close schools citing that the move will ensure a smooth electoral process as most of these schools will be used as polling stations.

"We are happy that the MOE has announced the closure of schools to be tomorrow as it allows us to access the polling stations,” Cherera stated.

Cherera further disclosed that transportation of strategic and non-strategic election materials to different polling stations in readiness for the polls has commenced.

“Today we have started distribution of strategic materials to the counties," she said.

The last consignment of ballot papers is expected in the country by the 3rd of August, the commission attributes their delay to pending court cases.

The ballot papers already in the country include; gubernatorial, senatorial, MP, and MCA being stored at the agency's warehouse.

IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati said all polling stations will have ballot papers and boxes to be used in the August 9 General Election by August 6.

Tags: Iebc Election 2022 Voter Register