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News Updated: 07 December 2022 12:00 EAT 267 Views | ~ 58 seconds

20 High Court Judges Sworn In

20-high-court-judges-sworn-in Image

The 20 Judges appointed by President Ruto to serve at the High Court following the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) have taken the oath of office.

The swearing in event took place on Wednesday at State House ,Nairobi and was presided over by President Ruto.

In attendance was Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu who represented Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu alongside other senior government and judiciary officers.

The Head of state called on the judges to always be impartial and endeavor to live to their oath of office.

“As you write those judgments, and as you consider every issue brought before you, and some of them will be very difficult, remember you swore before the Almighty God to serve Kenyans diligently,” he said.

President Ruto appointed the judges on Tuesday via a gazette notice after JSC forwaded the names of the 20 Judges to him last Thursday following deliberations of their performance after the conclusion of their interviews on December 1, 2022.

The Judges' recommendation was also based on the constitutional imperative of merit, gender, regional balance, and affirmative action.

Those sworn in are Heston Nyaga, John Chigiti ,Peter Mulwa ,Lawrence Mugambi ,Gregory Mutai ,Robert Wananda ,Samwel Mukira ,Francis Ochieng,Fred Mugambi and Dennis Magare.

The others include Patricia Gichohi, Josephine Mongare, Diana Kavedza,Patricia Nyaundi,Sophie Chirchir,Mwaisha Said,Florence Macharia, Teresa Achieng, and Aleem Visram.

This is the second time President Ruto has presided over the swearing in ceremony of judges since his inaugration on September 13th.


Tags: William Ruto Signstv Supreme Court Of Kenya Jsc