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News Updated: 12 August 2023 13:43 EAT 218 Views | ~ 1 minute

West Pokot County Public Service Board Vacancy Filled After Five Years

west-pokot-county-public-service-board-vacancy-filled-after-five-years Image

The West Pokot County Government has finally restored its complete County Public Service Board (CPSB) membership, which had been short of one member for over five years following a resignation in 2017.

Richard Serei was recently sworn in as the new CPSB member, marking the fulfillment of the vacant position. West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin expressed regret that the position had remained unfilled for such an extended period. He criticized the former regime for the vacancy, asserting that filling such a position shouldn't entail significant logistical or budgetary constraints.

The County Government's Management Act 2013 stipulates that the CPSB should comprise seven members, but it had been functioning with one fewer member.

Governor Kachapin lauded the positive impact of the 2010 Constitution, highlighting the substantial progress West Pokot County has achieved since the introduction of devolution.

"As the nation celebrates the 10th anniversary of devolution, our county is proud of the accomplishments attained thus far, with more on the horizon. Our infrastructure has expanded significantly, and urban centers have flourished. Devolution has greatly benefited West Pokot County, evident in the infrastructure developments from 2013 to the present," emphasized the Governor.

New West Pokot CPSB member, Richard Serei, joins dancers in celebrations after his swearing-in at the Governor's official residence in Kapenguria

Kachapin also urged elected and appointed leaders in the region to prioritize servant leadership over engaging in premature succession politics. He criticized certain leaders who focus on political discourse instead of serving the constituents who entrusted them with leadership roles.

Governor Kachapin reaffirmed his commitment to serving the residents during his second term, ensuring that his legacy projects will endure even if he hands over power to another administration after his inaugural devolution term.

Tags: Simon Kachapin Richard Serei