NCPWD Marks Jamhuri Day With A Message Of Unity And Inclusion

The CEO of NCPWD, Mr. Harun Hassan

The National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) marked Jamhuri Day with a powerful message on Facebook, echoing the spirit of the occasion and advocating for inclusivity and equality.

Their online presence became a platform to amplify the voices of Kenyans with disabilities and call for a society that recognizes and embraces their potential.

The council underscored the inspiring spirit of unity and resilience amongst persons with disabilities, recognizing the immense strength they possess as a community.

While celebrating national pride, the NCPWD’s statement also served as a powerful reminder of the challenges and barriers that persist for many Kenyans with disabilities.

It ignited a call to action, urging all citizens to work together to dismantle these barriers and ensure that every individual has access to education, employment, healthcare, and other essential services.


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