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News Updated: 11 January 2023 08:45 EAT 207 Views | ~ 1 minute

Kericho County Mass Registration Of Persons With Disabilities

kericho-county-mass-registration-of-persons-with-disabilities Image

National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Kericho County intends to carry out a mass registration of eligible persons in Belgut Sub County from January 16 to 20, 2023.

Persons with disabilities, parents, and guardians of children with disabilities have been urged to avail themselves in the nearest venues for registration.

Residents of Kipkoiyan, Kapsuser, and Kipsolu will be registered at Kapsuser Chief’s office, while those in Kabianga and Chemamul areas will avail at Kabianga Chief’s office.

Mobego and Kiptome persons with disabilities will go to Chepnyogaa Center as Sosiot Play Ground will be used by Kaptoboiti, Kaborok, and Waldai residents.

Seretut and Chaik residents have been asked to show up at Kapkelek Centre, the exercise will be conducted from 9 am to 4 pm.

To be registered, an individual is expected to have photocopies of their Identity Cards or copies of their Birth Certificates and normal Passport sized photos, (White background with 75 percent image coverage).

The NCPWD has also asked caregivers to avail Persons with severe Disabilities under the Cash Transfer / Inua Jamii Programme to be taken to the nearest registration center for the necessary process to ensure recognition of persons with disabilities that will enable them access equal opportunity rights of persons with disabilities.

The Kericho County Senior Disabilities Officer Hellen Tuei while speaking to media urged persons with disabilities in the aforementioned areas to turn up for the registration.

Mass registration for the new disability cards was rolled out by NCPWD in a bid to curb fraud, enhance reporting structure for accountability, and generate adequate socio-economic data for planning purposes.

The system is also expected to streamline operations at the council and ensure that only people who meet the threshold for registration of persons with disabilities are taken on board.

According to NCPWD registered members get a Persons with Disabilities national identification card that is recognized across various divisions both in the public and private sectors to encourage their inclusion in activities that are geared towards achieving National Development goals and their human rights and dignity upheld.

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