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News Updated: 22 November 2022 09:45 EAT 379 Views | ~ 1 minute

Dispatch Of New Disability Cards Launched By CS Bore

dispatch-of-new-disability-cards-launched-by-cs-bore Image

The Labor and Social Protection Cabinet Secretary Hon. Florence Bore officially launched the distribution of the first batch of new cards set to be delivered to persons with disabilities (PWDs) who have either been newly registered or have migrated to the new registration system across various counties. By next week, another subsequent batch will be released.

The production of the new card by De la Rue is a part of the reforms that have been made in the registration process following the launch of the registration system during the UN Disability Day last year.

The amends was made to curb fraud, bringing the services closer to people, and also providing accurate socio-economic data on persons with disabilities in Kenya.

Those who are to get the cards will receive communication from their different county disabilities offices where they will collect them.

The former director of the Geothermal Development Company called for an end to the perpetual delays experienced by persons with disabilities in their quest to get registered.

Bore also pledged to support the Council in its efforts to ensure that all rightful persons with disabilities are identified and registered, in line with the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals and Kenya’s commitment during the 2018 Global Disability Summit to generate reliable disability disaggregated data.

With the old cards remaining valid and in use, the council is set to communicate their phase –at a later date. Persons with disabilities registered in the old registration system were however advised to visit their county disability offices and get their records updated in the new system.

Similar to the registration of the new cards, an individual is required to have a recent passport-sized photo , aptly filled registration forms which can be accessed through NCPWD’s county offices, a copy of their national ID or birth certificate, and a copy of their Disability Assessment Report from the gazetted government hospitals with the Director of Medical Services’ signature which has since be devolved to Counties

The process of getting the new registration cards is similar to the previous registration process. One will need a recent passport sized photo, a dully filled registration form which can be accessed through NCPWD’s county offices, a copy of the national identification card or birth certificate and a copy of their Disability Assessment Report from the government gazetted hospitals with the Director of Medical Services’ signature.

The CS further vowed to support the Council in lobbying for the pending Persons with Disabilities Bill 2021 and other subsidiary laws and regulations. In a bid to provide easy access to NCPWD offices which was made difficult by the expressway, Bore undertook to work with her transport counterpart Kipchumba Murkomen to offer a long lasting solution.

Among those who were present include: the Council’s Board of Directors, key partners including Light for The World, CBM International, and National Council for Children Services, and Association of the Physically Disabled of Kenya (APDK), United Disabled Persons of Kenya, ADD International, and Delarue Team.


Tags: Ncpwd Un Apdk Florence Bore