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Technology Updated: 09 May 2023 13:51 EAT 339 Views | ~ 59 seconds

New-Generation Registration Plates

new-generation-registration-plates Image


The government introduced new-generation vehicle registration plates last year as a measure to reduce swapping, forgetting, and duplication of cars.

The announcement was made by former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi who stated that motorists should acquire new plates within 18 months.

There are motorists that have already acquired the new number plates that have a better-looking template using features of an FE-Schrift typeface and are smaller in font than the older ones.

The new plate letters are monospaced and the numbers are slightly disproportionate to prevent easy modification and to improve the machine's readability.

The government stated that the new number plates have incorporated microchip technology and anti-counterfeit security features that imitation may prove practically impossible.

The new plates also have a specially imprinted national flag, a hologram of the Big Five animals, and a watermark. The plates also have several different serial numbers for both the rear and front played that is linked to the vehicle’s chassis number.

The new number plates will also be able to get the key motor vehicles information such as the year of the manufacturer, the type and color of the vehicle, the engine number, the transmission type, the date and place of manufacture, and insurance details.

One can apply online through the National Transport and Safety Authority portal and the new plates cost 3000 shillings. When the plates are ready, the motorist will receive a notification to go collect them at any chosen center. A motorist can expect their new plates in a week.

Tags: Signstv Fred Matiang'I New Generation Plates Editor's Pick