Igembe South PWDs Asked To Register With NCPWD

Persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Igembe South have been asked to register with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) to benefit from various services including business grants provided by the government.
Meru NCPWD officer Gabriella Ogom made the remarks Thursday when she enlisted over 100 persons with various disabilities including physical, visual, and intellectual disabilities to the council at Nyambene level 4 hospital in Igembe.
She said one cannot benefit from government grants and other crucial services that other registered persons enjoy without being registered.
She called on the families hiding children with disabilities because they are ashamed of being associated with them to ensure their children enjoy their rights including education.
She further noted that registration of PWDs helps the government to design appropriate programmes which meet the diverse needs of Persons With Disabilities.
"Through registration to NCPWD, one is able to be exempted from paying taxes, get assistive devices such as clutches, wheelchairs, white canes, and hearing aids among others," she said.
Tags: Pwds Ncpwd Signstv Gabriella Ogom