Bar Owners With Tax Arrears Put On Notice

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has announced closure of bars that have not complied with existing laws.
Governor Wiaguru while speaking during Jamhuri celebrations at Kamiigua Polytechnic grounds decried huge tax arrears of at least KS.100 million for the last three years.
She called upon the bar owners to honor their commitment and do what was lawful and needful.
Waiguru further observed that her administration has in the past exhibited patience by waiving taxes for their premises, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Waiguru said her administration in partnership with the county assembly would devise appropriate policies and legal framework that will ensure all business premises fulfill their tax obligations.
She added that the policies would as well help tighten the noose on other matters to do with revenue collection.
The governor further cautioned bar operators running their premises near settlement areas and learning institutions saying that her administration will revoke the licenses and even close them.
Waiguru further urged residents to refrain from operating businesses on non-designated points within major towns to not only maintain neatness and orderliness but also enable the revenue collection officers to undertake their mandate.
Kirinyaga County commissioner Moses Ivuto warned the bars operating without a license that they shall not be allowed to operate. He said the county government will avail the list of bars allowed to operate after doing inspections.
Security also should not be compromised by the business. We cannot close the school at expense of the bar; we will work with the county government to streamline the business.
Tags: Kirinyaga County Anne Waiguru Signstv