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Featured Updated: 22 March 2023 12:47 EAT 187 Views | ~ 1 minute

World Water Day

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Water is life. Up to 60 % of adult human body is water and also plants and animals need water to survive. World Water Day is observed every year on 22nd March all over the world. 

The day is celebrated to focus attention on the importance of water and how to preserve it because no water, no life.

According to United Nations, the idea behind celebrating the day is to " support the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDG)6 : water and sanitation for all by 2030".

The theme for World Water Day 2023 is 'Accelerating the change to solve the water and sanitation crisis', emphasizing on the necessity of taking action to address the global water crisis.

The first Water Day was proposed in Agenda 22 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development that was held in Rio de Janeiro.

In December 1992, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution that on the 22nd of March each year, Water Day would be held.

In March 1993, the first Water Day was held, and has been held every year since then.

World Water Day aims at addressing the sustainable management of water. It also provides an occasion that reminds us of the importance of water for life and the need to manage this precious resource sustainably and equitably for the benefit of present and future generations.

Every year, Water Day and its campaigns target millions of people via social media, traditional marketing, and PR.

There are also several dedicated websites and channels utilized by the UN for promoting and raising awareness of Water Day.

As an individual, you can help in conservation of water so as to help in achieving of the 2030 goal by doing the following:

Practice using water sensibly to avoid wastage of water.

Prefer to take shorter showers instead of buckets filled with water or using a bathtub.

Watch documentaries based on the water crisis along with your family which can inspire you and your family to take the necessary actions to conserve water.

Plant more and more trees to help the environment. It will improve soil quality, prevent soil erosion, prevent flooding, and minimize climate change impacts.

You can also discuss with your friends, family & relatives to raise awareness on water conservation.


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