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Health Updated: 10 October 2022 07:00 EAT 356 Views | ~ 1 minute


Mental Health is an area of massive concern across the world. It is a priceless aspect in every human’s life. An individual’s mental health includes his psychological, emotional and social well- being.

The World Mental Health Day is recognized annually on 10th of October by the World Health Organization .This day aims at raising awareness about mental health, its significance in people’s lives, and the reasons why people should always care about their mental health.

This day is also observed with an aim of addressing the various issues that are faced by those suffering from the mental health as they fear social stigma and the lack of understanding from people.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health raging power was clear due the increasing number of suicides, substance abuse and various depression cases.

Several people reported mental distress that emanated from losing their jobs, layoffs, social isolation resulting from the necessary safety measures and worries concerning the pandemic that had put life at a standstill.

Different themes are celebrated every year during the event. The theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.

In1992, the world health federation organized for an unscheduled event on 10th October in order to raise awareness and sensitize the public about mental health. For that year however, no theme was set .The first theme was created in 1994 with an aim of raising the quality of mental health services worldwide.

In our modern day society, mental health is a baleful challenge that needs to be looked into keenly. Uniting to prevent mental health related issues as a community will help in reducing the rates of mental health problems.

Moreover, calling on the national and local government to prioritize reducing factors that are likely to pose a risk to people’s mental health is also a step in curbing this existent problem.

As a way of promoting mental health awareness, individuals are urged to talk openly about matters on mental health, educate each other on the warning signs and symptoms of mental illnesses, practice compassion and kindness instead of ridicule and participate or volunteer in mental awareness events.

The Mental Health Foundation has offered the following tips on how one can look after their mental health; eat well, drink sensibly, keep in touch with loved ones, exercise, ask for help, care for others, as well as keep in touch with loved ones.

Always remember to take care of your mental health because a healthy mind is very important for a healthy body!


Tags: Mental Health Signs Tv World Mental Health Day