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Politics Updated: 22 February 2022 08:39 EAT 184 Views | ~ 53 seconds

Revamping jubilee Ahead Of Sagana III Kicks Off 

Jubilee party will be relaunched during its National delegate’s conference slated for February 26th, where they are expected to endorse Hon Raila Odinga as their presidential candidate.

A section of legislators has urged members of the public to continue registering for the party’s membership ahead of its national delegate’s conference.

The leaders led by Kamkunji Member of Parliament Yusuf Hassan said that, the party’s strength is paramount especially when forming a coalition with Azimio la Umoja.

They refuted claims that, the party has lost its dominance in the country saying, the newly formed coalition with the ODM party will change its political matrix.

Meanwhile, Jubilee party leaders from Kirinyaga County have vowed to support President Kenyatta and follow his direction, led by Mwea Mp Kabinga Wathayu, senator Charles Kibiru, Kirinyaga Central MP Munene Wambugu they said that, their intention is to ensure the jubilee party wins all seats in Kirinyaga and central at large.

They noted the absence of a presidential candidate from the Mount Kenya region means that they should have more MPs to negotiate for the resources.

Among those who graced the first meeting in Kirinyaga held in Kutus Town include Nyeri town MP, Ngunjiri Wambugu, Ndaragwa -Jeremiah Kioni, Lari-Jonah Mburu, Limuru- Peter Mwathi, and Othaya-Gichuki Mugambi, they assured nomination losers that they will not be left out in the next government.
