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Uncategorized Updated: 17 December 2021 08:35 EAT 253 Views | ~ 23 seconds

Pending Bills Delays Development in Vihiga County

Vihiga County Governor Wilberforce Oticchilo says since he was elected his administration has been servicing pending bills which have impeded the implementation of development projects in the county.

Speaking during his Fourth Annual State of County Address at Kidundu Stadium, Governor Otichilo mentioned that  Vihiga County Government has paid about Kshs 1.9 billion of a total of Kshs 2.2 billion of pending bills in the past four years.

He stated that in the Financial Year 2020-2021, the Budget was about Sh. 6.6 billion comprising of Sh. 2.6 development Budget, while Sh. 3.9 billion recurrent budget where the absorption rate was 79 percent and 93 percent effectively.
