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Entertainment Updated: 04 November 2021 14:48 EAT 604 Views | ~ 1 minute

"My Life is in Danger" Lilian Ng'ang'a

Months after Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and ex-girlfriend Lilian Ng'ang'a broke up, the Former Machakos First Lady now says her life is in danger.

A press statement issued by Lilian in the company of her lawyer said that the governor is issuing her death threats alongside everyone close to her.

“Mr Mutua is overreacting to our separation. Whilst indicated that I wanted to move on with my life, he thought otherwise,” Nganga said. "Mutua angrily termed me as his Enemy No 1, and threatened to "crush me to ash, and take away everything I have, and own. He also threatened to harm persons close to me. He stated that he had offers from people to kill persons close to me, and threatened that he might indeed take up the offers to teach some of them a lesson.

Further, Lilian went to her Instagram page and wrote "Today in the company of my Lawyer SC Phillip Murgor, I held a Press Statement in regards to Threats, Fraud and Theft by Governor Alfred Mutua. Alfred broke into my apartment parking with his bodyguard and drove away a car I have fully owned since 2014. He fraudulently transferred the logbook into his name and proceeded to sell it to a 3rd party. He fraudulently transferred my Shares in the hotel company to his sister Ann Mutua and made her Director. Ann Mutua now runs the A&L Hotel as Director. I spent years building the hotel and have since been fully managing it as the Director up until August 2021. He threatened to kill people close to me and promised to crush me to ash and in the process activate his social media to completely "finish" me and my friends. This is after I declined his order for me to apologize and retract the statement I made about our separation. He promised to "collect" everything I have and own. This has indeed started as he has asked I refund any money he has spent on me and all monies he has ever availed for my use. All forms of GBV including physiological and economical violence must be called out and perpetrators punished heavily. Alfred MUST stop disrespecting and degrading women.'
