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Local News Updated: 26 May 2022 08:45 EAT 310 Views | ~ 29 seconds

Militia gang member arrested and arms recovered.

The national police service has given a report of their security team that came into contact with a militia group that they over powered in Kom area, Merti Sub-County, Isiolo County yesterday and recovered illegals arms.

In the previous years the Isiolo and the neighboring northern Counties have had complaint on cases of insecurity that were all triggered and driven by illegal arms.

Security officers recovered one FN firearm, 16 magazines, six AK-47 rifles, police uniforms, and several ammunition during the operation.

The national police service say they have been working closely with GSU and Quick Response Unit to curb and prevent the use of illegal ammunition while reinforcing security in Merti Sub-County which has so far been a hot-bed of such militias.

Tags: Militia Gsu Ammunition