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Local News Updated: 15 March 2023 08:40 EAT 224 Views | ~ 1 minute

Kisii Subsidy Programme Commences

kisii-subsidy-programme-commences Image

A stakeholder-driven programme on enhanced agricultural production, poverty reduction, and malnutrition has commenced in Kisii county.

The program dubbed "Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems", sponsored by USAID among other development partners targets 4,000 farmers in 10 sub-counties.

During a launch ceremony at the Agriculture, Training Centre, Kisii, technicians were taken through soil testing for acidity levels.

It is envisaged that the farmers will be encouraged to embrace competition, inclusivity, and resilience in the market systems in the horticulture and dairy sub-sectors.

The program entailed a subsidy component where from the soil testing results,  the technicians registered farmers to earn points when  purchasing fertilizers.

A farmer qualified for two bags of lime if his/her soil sample contained high acidity levels of below 6.0.

But for a normal soil acidity level of between 6.0 to 7.5, the farmer was issued with 2kg bags of certified seed.

Kisii county chief officer in the Agriculture docket, Emanuel Momanyi decried declined production owing to increasing soil acidity in the area.

According to him, the soil testing results will assist the county government put in place strategies to improve food security.

A soil fertility day will also be held to sensitize farmers on climate change, the timing of planting seasons, and recommended  fertilizers’ application.

Dr. Enock Monda from  Enochem, an agrovet, who explained the programme’s implementation procedures, remarked the technicians and crop officers will be used to bridge the gap of extension officers.

Thirty field days will be organized to demonstrate to the farmers on the urgent need to test soil fertility levels for appropriate interventions.

Rose Wanga , another stakeholder, commended the training saying it was crucial if the farmers expected returns from their  investment in agriculture.


Tags: Usaid Kisii Couty Kenya Crops And Dairy Market Systems Emanuel Momanyi Editor's Pick