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Local News Updated: 14 February 2022 09:58 EAT 418 Views | ~ 1 minute

Kenya- Tanzania Journalists and Activists Meet To strategize Cross Border FGM

Curbing FGM across the border has become a menace that has brought together Journalists and activists from Kenya and Tanzania to strategize on possible modalities that will end the vice.

Global Media Communications Director Mr. Jeremiah Kipainoi, speaking in a Narok hotel revealed that, they have come up with measures that will ensure the practice does not take place this March-April season.

Kipainoi, who is also an activist noted that they are expecting a surge of FGM practices in the coming weeks after implementing the measures which will also involve relevant Anti-FGM partners.

He urged the Kuria community as well as those involved in Anti-FGM campaigns to work together and ensure better coordination. 

The director further called upon the Anti-FGM partners to spare their budgets, time, and energy to share strategies and ensure they curb the vice this season.

Tunaweza Empowerment Organisation official Ms. Catherine Boke on the other hand said that, working together at community levels way up to the National government through better coordination, will effectively help to fight the FGM. She noted that the organisation was working with Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) to safeguard the rights of girl child thought Anti FGM campaigns.

Association of Termination of FGM official Mr. Valerian Mugali from Tanzania confirmed that, both activists and journalists from the two countries have discussed and shared their strategies on the cross-border FGM noting that, the strategies need to be implemented faster to ensure that it greatly helps the fight against FGM.
Mugali called upon both governments to help the FGM partners and media to ensure that the fight is fought at both ends in order to restore the rights of girls child.
