Family Builds Houses and Toilets for Persons With Disabilities In Mwea Sub-county


A well-off family from Mwea Sub-county in Embu County is building houses and toilets for persons with disabilities and the elderly.

The family says that they want to give back to society and help bring dignity to their lives.

According to a news report by Kenya News Agency, the project is being spearheaded by Dr. Mutua Ngumbi, who said that he was born in the area and that many of the people who are living in makeshift houses are people he went to school with.

He said that he wanted to give back to the community and that he hopes that other well-off people from the area will do the same – the project is currently underway and has already benefited several families.

The people who are benefiting from the project are very grateful. They say that the new houses and toilets will make a big difference in their lives.

“I am so grateful to the Ngumbi family for building me a new house,” said Reginah Mueke, who lives with her five children in a single room. “My old house was in bad condition and it was difficult to live in. The new house is much better and it will make a big difference in our lives.”

Dominic Nzinga Mwatu, who has already received a new toilet, said that the old toilet was in poor condition.


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