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Local News Updated: 29 March 2023 08:11 EAT 290 Views | ~ 40 seconds

Donations Impact Kisii Communities

donations-impact-kisii-communities Image

Donations to vulnerable learners from a USA based charity, Top Talent Agency has reportedly made a positive impact in the  local communities they hailed from.

The donations to individual learners and schools have helped compliment gaps in infrastructure, education and sports.

They include water projects and physical facilities in learning institutions. 

Donating computers, a metal gate and  balls to Nyamuya primary school in Nyacheki ward, Nyamache sub county, agency’s Chief Executive officer, David Fagan, unveiled imparting of technology in the next phase of assistance. 

He advised potential beneficiaries to draw a list of priorities if they were to  succeed in their activities.

Headteacher Bildad Oyuyo, cited lack of  modern sanitation facilities, computers and furniture as the challenges facing the institution.

The classroom block was was also in dire need of renovation.

Dominic Obadiah, the coordinator of Civility Tours explained the agency  whose objective was to give back to the society had assisted several primary  and secondary schools together with universities.

He urged the beneficiaries to utilize the donations prudently.


Tags: Signstv Top Talent Agency Civility Tours