Baringo County First Lady Urges Parents to Enroll Children With Disabilities In School

BY Caroline Cherono
Baringo Governor’s wife Dr. Emmy Chesire has called upon parents of children with disabilities to enroll them in school in a bid to help them acquire knowledge and employable skills which would help them to become independent.
Dr. Chesire while donating braille machines, books, and foodstuff at Moi Kabartonjo Special School in Baringo North Sub County said there are many special schools across the country where they can enroll their children.
While in school, she said the children would get support from the government and well-wishers to pursue education and have a great future.
"I have come here to visit these children and assess the situation in the school. I have noted that the resources including boarding facilities are limited which affects learning. I want to urge charitable organizations and parents to support in bringing up these children," Chesire appealed.
She at the same time urged the government and well-wishers to support the school that has special needs children noting that stigma in the community was making parents lock up their children at home.
Dr. Chesire noted that children were the future leaders and the county government had invested in special schools in Pemwai, Emining, Esageri, and Marigat therefore no parent had an excuse not to enroll their children in any of these schools.
The school principal Ms. Leah Ngetich said the institution had 32 students from Grade One to Grade Seven (junior secondary school) and noted that they needed assistance to enable them to pay support staff and build more boarding facilities, for the children to be comfortable and excel in academics.
"We urge parents to support these vulnerable children as they are prone to abuse when they land in the wrong hands and bringing them to school will ensure that they are protected and have a bright future," she said.
The principal added that they had managed to take six children to national schools some of whom got scholarships which was very encouraging.
Tags: Signstv Emmy Chesire Benjamin Chesire