World Breastfeeding Week: Mothers With Spina Bifida Can Breastfeed Too!


Breastfeeding is a beautiful way for mothers to bond with their babies and provide them with the nutrients they need.

It is the most crucial experience of motherhood which presents mothers with moments of joy, unconditional love, and challenges as well.

However, for mothers with Spina Bifida, breastfeeding takes an extra layer of complexity because they also have to manage their own unique needs.

According to health experts, Spina Bifida occurs due to incomplete closing of the spine and the membranes around the spinal cord during early development in pregnancy.

Depending on the severity, Spina Bifida can lead to various physical challenges, including mobility disabilities, muscle weakness, and difficulty with bladder and bowel control.

With the challenges Spina Bifida poses, it doesn’t diminish a mother’s desire for love, family, and motherhood.

They also wish to breastfeed but the path to successful breastfeeding is not always straightforward due to various challenges.

The physical demands of breastfeeding, such as positioning the baby, holding them securely, and maintaining comfort during feeding sessions, can be uniquely challenging for a mother with spina bifida.

To overcome such challenges creativity and innovation are required such as using Pillows, cushions, and specialized breastfeeding pillows.

Some other tips include;

Finding a comfortable position for breastfeeding. You may need to try different positions until you find one that works for you and your baby.

You may also ask for help from a partner, friend, or family member. They can help you position your baby and can also provide emotional support.

Consult a lactation expert. They can provide you with individualized support and help you troubleshoot any problems you may have.

The breastfeeding journey of a mother with Spina Bifida is an attestation of her determination to provide the best for her child, and also a proof of the resilience of the human body.

The journey is a reminder of the beauty of motherhood which has no boundaries.


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