Willis Raburu Engagement with Ivy Namu.


“You’re my love, my everything,” Raburu said, before sliding the engagement ring on Namur’s finger as the audience cheered. 

The lovebirds who are expecting their second child together got engaged on Sunday, as they celebrated their son’s first birthday. 

Should I call it a Luopean way of proposing to queen or you already that it’s dated from its Italian origin with only Luo’s with access keys.

Nvirii walked in, with mic in hand, belting out a ballad as Raburu went down on one knee, with an engagement ring in hand amid the photo session. You didn’t see that coming. So did Namu! Follows Bensoul with a banquette of flowers.

“A thousand time yes! In this life time and the next.” Ivy Namu shared a post online.


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