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Local News Updated: 18 April 2023 09:39 EAT 284 Views | ~ 1 minute

Ole Sopia-Gov't Should Admit PWDs To NYS

ole-sopia-govt-should-admit-pwds-to-nys Image

Narok Persons with Disability Chairman Paul Ole Sopia is now calling upon the government to admit persons with physical disabilities to the National Youth Service ( NYS).

According to the official, persons with disabilities also have unique talents which can be displayed in different ways.

He further requested for the entry point to NYS colleges to be lowered from a D plain to below E so as to accommodate all youths who did not have an opportunity of completing school.

This followed Narok Principal Chief Moses Dapash's proposal for the country to establish NYS colleges in all the regions to avoid congestion in the few institutions that are already existing.

News reports by Kenya News Agency (KNA) indicate that the proposal was made to the NYS reforms task force meeting held at the Narok North Youth Empowerment Hall where speakers also recommended the reintroduction of the mandatory enlistment to the service to help the young people mature emotionally, and psychologically, socially, and physically before resuming their classwork.

According to speakers, indiscipline cases reported from tertiary institutions were rampant and could be curbed if the learners first underwent the NYS training.

“In the 1990s, the students would pass through NYS colleges for training before they joined universities. This made the students resilient in the many challenges they face in their education and hence produced high-quality graduates,” he said.

The Narok Boda Boda Chairman Lemayian Punyua recommended an NYS training center to be built in Narok County citing the expansive land and high levels of illiteracy.

Punyua said the presence of NYS training institutions in every region will create job opportunities for many young people and more youths will benefit from the training.

Narok Peace Chairman Joseph Kileu stressed the need for youths who successfully complete the NYS training to be absorbed in the job markets so that they can get an opportunity of building the nation.

He reiterated that many NYS graduates end up engaging in criminal activities like drug abuse and theft because of frustrations after six months of training.

The task force was led by former Interior Secretary Moffat Kangi and Elizabeth Mueni who promised to present the views of the people in their final recommendations.


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