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Featured Updated: 20 June 2022 13:06 EAT 436 Views | ~ 1 minute


Rainbow meant the end of a rainy season for many, today it’s a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and queer pride and LGBT social movements. Also known as the gay pride flag or LGBT pride flag.

Between June 1st to June 30th the LGBTQ community celebrate the pride of being gay all over the world. Pride Month commemorates years of struggle for civil rights and the ongoing pursuit of equal justice under the law for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community, as well as the accomplishments of LGBTQ individuals.

The month is used to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots, and works to achieve equal justice and equal opportunity LGBTQ.


With the celebration on going, Saudi Arabian government officials have cracked down on rainbow-colored toys and clothing from shops in the country's capital, Riyadh.

The Saudi Arabian government have also noted that Homosexuality is illegal in Saudi Arabia, which adheres to a strict interpretation of Sharia law.

The growing community have continued to hold peace meeting to fight for the rights and space in the community with most Christian churches already embracing their way of life.

The question many have been asking with the continuous rise of the name gay and lesbian even to children below the of 12 years is it effect and the idea being cultivated.

Today a man would not a have a conversation with a woman and forget to ask whether they are straight, bisexual or transgender and same to women, intriguing right?

In an interview with young gays who mentioned the idea of being gays and lesbian who went ahead to describe the type from top , bottom and bisexual.

What’s your take on the movies, drama, phone games, cloths and cultures that promote the LGBTQ culture and what is your take of that culture?

Tags: Lgbtq Gay Lesbians Pride Month