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Entertainment Updated: 04 August 2022 09:30 EAT 307 Views | ~ 39 seconds


I am the First in line

At least on this timeline

Over here, I am the hero and heroine

So, pay attention to this storyline 

My clutches are my spotting mark

My very loyal friend when it's dark

Tightly clinging on through the park

Safe and sound even when the dogs' bark 

She crossed over as soon as I opened my eyes 

Setting off, my mother waited for no goodbyes

Along with the hospital ward employees

My granny walked in beside the good doctor's faces 

Her back was too feeble to carry

In her basket, I was laid in a hurry

In a hurry to catch up with the driver of a lorry

We  got home only for her goats to be sick enough to burry 

I  am Kimani and my dreams fly like a dove

When granny falls asleep I beg her soul not to move

My disability is my ability I see none without the other is a wove

It is my birthright to know the deeper depths of love 

I am love, my kind of love.


Tags: Ncpwd Pwd Signstv My Disability Is My Ability