From Moi Day to Utamaduni Day: Kenya’s Celebration of Unity in Diversity


    Utamaduni Day, an annual public celebration in Kenya marked every October 10th, is a vibrant tribute to the nation’s rich blend of cultures and heritage. Previously known as Moi Day, this holiday was transformed into Huduma Day before being rechristened Utamaduni Day in December 2020, signifying a shift towards celebrating Kenya’s diverse cultural essence.

    Originally established to honor former President Daniel Arap Moi, the day underwent a transformation following the 2010 Constitution of Kenya, leading to a broader focus on service and volunteerism in line with Moi’s vision.

    Utamaduni Day now stands as a jubilant celebration of Kenya’s cultural diversity, providing a stage for appreciating the rich mosaic formed by over 44 ethnic groups.

     The festivities not only strengthen national unity and cohesion but also champion the spirit of service and volunteerism. This change in focus goes beyond just honoring one person. It includes celebrating the lively and diverse mix of cultures that make up Kenya.


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