As the number of monkey pox cases climbs amid an ongoing global outbreak, the officials from the world health organization say more countries are reporting such...
World food safety 2022.
Safer food, better health.Today marks World Food Safety Day, observed all over the world every year on June 7 to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks and...
Tobacco as harmful as it is has been readily accepted by society without considering the adverse health effects they bring to humanity. This article features th...
Africa Objects U.S. Push To Reform Health Rules
African countries raised an objection on Tuesday to a U.S.-led proposal to reform the International Health Regulations (IHR), a move delegates say might prevent...
Monkeypox Outbreak
US President Joe Biden has raised concerns over the Monkeypox outbreak in Israel and Switzerland which have recorded their first cases this weekend.In UK, docto...
Migori County Launches Tobacco Free Farming
Migori County has launched a project which looks forward to freeing farms from Tobacco farming and setting a record as the first county among tobacco-growing co...