assistALL App Connects Deaf Community with Healthcare in Busia

Deaf individuals in Busia County can now access free sign language interpretation services through the assistALL app at eight sub-county hospitals and the main referral hospital.
The services available until March 31st are part of the county's effort to ensure that Deaf persons have equal access to quality healthcare.
The hospitals include Busia County referral hospital, Alupe Subcounty Hospital, Khunyangu Subcounty Hospital, Kocholia Subcounty Hospital, and Matayos Subcounty Hospital. Nambale Subcounty Hospital, Port Victoria Subcounty Hospital, Sio Port Subcounty Hospital.
The initiative, dubbed "Digital Access Program,” was launched last year under the leadership of Deputy Governor Hon. Arthur Papa Odera, Chief Officer of Public Health Dr. Susan Outa, and Director of Health in Charge of Medical Services Dr. Janerose Ambuchi.
Supported by KICTANet and the British High Commission in Kenya, the initiative provided training to 115 healthcare officers, Deaf individuals, and sign language interpreters on using digital tools, including the assistALL platform.
The assistALL app, owned and operated by Signs Media Kenya Limited, offers real-time video interpretation sessions with qualified sign language interpreters who can assist users.
How it works:
For the Deaf:
Download the assistALL app: Find it on the Google Play Store or App Store.
Create a profile: Enter your name, phone number, and other relevant information.
Add funds to your account: Use M-Pesa or a debit card to add money to your account.
Request interpretation services: When you need an interpreter, simply request a call through the app.
Connect with an interpreter: The app will connect you with a qualified sign language interpreter.
For Sign Language Interpreters:
Download the assistALL app: Find it on the Google Play Store or App Store.
Create a profile: Enter your name, phone number, and other relevant information.
Accept interpretation requests: When a Deaf individual requests an interpreter, you will receive a notification.
Provide interpretation services: Use the app to connect with the Deaf individual and provide interpretation services.
Get paid: After each interpretation session, you will receive payment directly to your M-Pesa account.
Tags: Assistall App Signstvkenya Busia County Sign Language