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Local News Updated: 14 November 2022 10:09 EAT 205 Views | ~ 50 seconds

Leaders Challenged By The Church

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The church has challenged leaders to give the best to God if they were to succeed in delivering their mandate.

Dr. Benson Andebe, Deputy Archbishop, Church of God in East Africa Kenya, dared the leaders to relegate divine responsibilities and risk failure or punishment as they served the electorate.

Speaking at Masabo Church of God during a special offering in aid of its construction, the archbishop urged the leaders to unlock blessings by offering selfless service to the citizens.

The clergy alluded to the bible where the Israelites dragged their feet in building a temple for God in Jerusalem city only to do so after they warned of impending consequences.

He remarked one did not need to have plenty to contribute towards a noble cause but that even the little given could make a difference.

Nyaribari Masaba MP Dr. Daniel Manduku appeared to take the challenge saying the area residents were poised to enjoy the fruits of development having been enlisted to work together as  God’s people.

According to the legislator, people who were outside the government and divided had resolved to join it and were united.

Manduku pledged to prioritize development of schools and churches in the constituency.

Over Ksh. 300,000 was raised to assist the church’s underway construction.


Tags: Signstv Daniel Manduku Dr. Benson Andebe