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Local News Updated: 09 May 2023 13:33 EAT 223 Views | ~ 1 minute

Lead By Example, Police Officers Working In Murang’a Told

lead-by-example-police-officers-working-in-muranga-told Image

BY KNA's Benard Munyao

Murang’a County police commander David Mathiu has instructed all security officers working in the county to lead by example, especially during the ongoing war against illicit brews, contraband, and drugs.

Addressing senior police officers drawn from all the nine sub-counties, Mr. Mathiu averred that it’s a shame and a challenge for drunk officers to effectively fight alcoholism.

He asked the officers commanding stations to ensure their juniors are not indulging in alcoholism and to avoid being compromised by those perpetrating the illegal business.  

“It’s worrying to find an officer drunk in the morning and the same officer is one expected to spearhead war against this menace. As a leader, lead by example. Remain sober and resist being compromised,” said the commander during a meeting held at Murang’a police station.

Mr Mathiu lauded achievements made so far in the fight against illicit and counterfeit alcoholism divulging that for the past two weeks, they have seized over 2 500 fake alcoholic drinks.

He noted that during the crackdowns, they also managed to destroy over 2, 000 liters of chang'aa among other types of illicit brews being manufactured along river banks.

The commander noted that they have also managed to impound over 1, 080 kilos of bhang saying the war on drugs will not stop until they eliminate the menace in Murang’a.

For the last two weeks, he observed, 83 people who were found selling counterfeit alcoholic drinks and brewing illicit liquor have been apprehended and arraigned in court saying some of their cases have been determined and convicted while other cases are still going on.

“I warn some of the unscrupulous business people who think they will continue brewing illicit liquor and stocking counterfeits on shelves. We will get you and you will face the law’, said the police boss.

“Police officers have been briefed on strategies to successfully fight alcoholism and drugs in the county. Officers know those who are manufacturing and selling the fake liquor in their areas of jurisdiction, so they should not hesitate to arrest them,” remarked Mathiu.

The commander further urged all officers to work as a team cautioning the leaders from working as individuals.

“Cooperation will enable us to win this war. Officers Commanding Stations (OCSs) and their deputies should avoid ignoring their juniors. Teamwork will ensure we eliminate the problem in this county,” he added.

Last week, members of the public in Wangu ward, using secret ballots named people they believe to be behind contrabands, manufacturing of illicit liquor and selling of bhang.

The names which were forwarded to the office of the county police commander are expected to be scrutinized and investigated before the culprits are apprehended.

The fight against alcoholism and drugs in the central region have been intensified in the recent past after Deputy President Rigathi Gahagua directed all security officers to crack down on the menace.

Tags: Signstv Rigathi Gachagua David Mathi