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Matters Disability Updated: 11 July 2023 13:29 EAT 272 Views | ~ 1 minute

Important Steps Your Company Can Take For Inclusivity

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Companies that recognize and value the importance of hiring and retaining employees with disabilities know what is needed to provide a culture and workplace that is accommodating and inclusive.

Those companies, such as Signs Media, United Nations, Christian Blind Mission, Kenya Institute of Special Education, and many others are committed to raising the bar of inclusivity not only for their companies but also for their clients.

However, other companies can not be faulted for not being inclusive because not all of them fully understand what it means to foster a welcoming environment to hire and retain persons with disabilities.

According to Forbes Website, as an employer, first, you have to recognize that disabilities may be visible or invisible - visible disabilities are typically obvious e.g., physical, visual, and hearing disabilities.

While invisible disabilities are less obvious and may include chronic pain, fatigue, or depression.

Below are helpful suggestions as provided by SentricHR, a human resources information system provider; and Sage, a global finance, HR, and payroll software company to Forbes.

-Adding disability inclusion to your company’s mission, make sure that all employees are aware of your company's commitment to disability inclusion, and that they know how to access the supports that are available.

-Establishing mentoring programs for workers with disabilities.

-Creating compulsory company-wide training programs to educate and lessen disability bias, this training should help employees understand the different types of disabilities, the challenges that people with disabilities face, and how to be more inclusive in the workplace.

-Seeking feedback from individuals and the workforce at large about existing accommodations and disability inclusion efforts within the company.

-Ensuring employees at all levels are aware of accommodations and available resources.

-Seeking employee input and feedback. Survey employees as a whole about current programs and ways to improve inclusion efforts.

-Debunking myths about individuals with disabilities. Have clear and open conversations with employees about their disabilities to better understand and support them.

-Embedding accessibility into the recruitment process. Be sure your job application, forms, and job postings are accessible. Make sure online documents work with screen readers or other devices designed to assist individuals with disabilities

-Work environment Adjustments for inclusion such as making existing facilities accessible, Providing reserved or accessible parking, and providing qualified readers, interpreters, or other aids.

Tags: Disability Inclusion Signstv Disabilities Visible And Invisible Disabilities