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Entertainment Updated: 20 October 2021 14:19 EAT 1.9K Views | ~ 1 minute

Actress Elizabeth Lulu Michael’s Response After Mama Kanumba Maintained She Killed Her son

Award winning Actress Elizabeth Lulu Michael has said that she is not going to argue or engage Stephen Kanumba’s mother after she maintained that Lulu is the one who killed her son. Lulu mentioned that she has accepted to carry all the blame, despite her manslaughter case against the late Stephen Kanumba being determined by the court of law.

‘Nadhani ndio msalaba wangu na itabidi nifike nao mwisho, there is no way out… sina neno lolote la kumwambia mama, nitaendelea kuwa mkimya,kunyamaza na kupokea lawama zote kwa mikono miwili,na nitanyamaza maana wanasema mzazi hakosei’ said Lulu Michael.

Her response comes days after the late Kanumba’s mother Flora Mtegoa, said that she will never forgive the actress for killing her son. Adding that the actress has never bothered to ask for forgiveness.

‘Aliyemuua Stephen Kanumba ni Elizabeth Michael. Unasemehe mtu aliyeomba msamaha. Na mimi hiyo siwezi kufuta maana hiyo ni historia mpaka dunia inaisha. Labda hangeuawa angekuwa bado yupo, kwa hiyo Mungu yupo, kwa hiyo Mungu Hakumpenda Zaidi, kuna watu walimpenda Zaidi wakamtoa duniani. Ni mdogo wa umri lakini mkubwa wa mambo…lakini mimi sina tatizo naye duniani mimi nimemalizana naye,  kwanza yeye ana hela , mimi nitamfanya nini ndio maana nasema siwezi kuwa mtumwa…aendelee na mambo yake lakini tukumbuke damu ya mtu…lakini mimi ndio mama Kanumba na sitakaa nisahau, yeye alimalizana na mahakama Duniani lakini bado kwangu mimi nina kidonda . Yeye baada ya Kanumba ametembea na waanaume wangapi? Wengi tu lakini mimi sijapata mtoto mwingine, kwa hiyo yeye ana raha mimi nina huzuni’ Said Mama Kanumba.

The award winning actress completed her jail term back in 2018. On May 5th 2018, Lulu was released from prison and allowed to serve community service sentence, which she completed in November the same year. The award winning actress had been sentenced on a 2 year jail term on 13th November 2017 for accidentally killing her fellow actor Stephen Kanumba. Elizabeth was accused of pushing Kanumba violently where he fell and received a fatal blow on his head.

She was 17 years old then and was arrested and taken into custody at Oysterbay police station before she was later charged with murder and remanded in a Tanzanian prison for seven months. After her release, she managed to create a wonderful career in Tanzanian Film and Tv series and also as a brand ambassador and reputable tv host



Tags: Elizabeth Lulu Michael